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New to market intermediation ?

Any individual need to plan for his financials, so that it would protect his assets from inflation and lower income being accrued from other investment avenues, and at the same time plan for his career / family growth for the coming years. This is known as Financial Planning. It requires adhering to investment basics (investment profiling, using system investment plan, etc.) which everyone might not be able to easily understand & implement. This calls for assistance by an experience person who could assist individual investors to systematically channelize his investment, and do financial planning.

At ACMIIL, we have philosophy to educate and empower every Indian household to take care of their basic financial needs. For this to be achieved, we require people with entrepreneur ability and resources who would take this up, by registering new investors for our services, and servicing them on day-to-day basis.

In case you have entrepreneur ability, creditable status with social network in your own location, some capital & infrastructure to set up office, and zeal to service investors, you can be an ideal candidate to start a business relationship with us as our ‘Business Associate’ (BA).

For more information on our BA business module, refer to other sections like
a)Start BA relationship with Us
d)Registration Formalities

Start BA relationship with us

ACMIIL looks for business associate, who wish to service their registered customers for capital market services and products. If you have the zeal to take up customer servicing, have business acumen and resources to set up investment centre in your location, you can look to earn good returns on your investment by being associated with us.

As our Business Associate (BA), you will actively promote and market our services and products, enroll and activate clients, and assist & service their market participation in capital market being provided by us and / or our group companies.

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© Copyright 2007 . Asit C Mehta Investment Interrmediates Ltd Designed & Developed by CMOTS INFOTECH.
SEBI / Regulatory registration numbers | UIN: 100000281 | BSE CM: INB 010607233 & Derivatives: INF 010607233 | NSE CM: INB 230607239 & Derivatives: INF BSE CM: INB 010607233 & Derivatives: INF