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We believe that every Indian entity should and will have to plan its financial affairs better in an ever changing globally competitive world. As a result, the challenges facing all companies for their capital markets related needs are many and complex. Be it day to day treasury management to complex cross border acquisitions, we can assist the Indian issuers in their capital market related aspirations.

The primary function of our Investment Banking services is to help issuers and investors find each other! Our role in investments space is similar to that of banks in savings and credit markets. Investment banking includes merchant banking activity that assists issuers to raise capital by placement of securities issued by them with investors. Merchant bankers promote quality issues, maintain integrity of the market place and ensure compliance with law. In addition investment banks provide specialized corporate advisory services in the area of project finance, business and financial advisory and mergers and acquisition.

We at Asit C Mehta Investments Interrmediates Ltd (ACM), assist companies through the entire corporate life cycle by offering appropriate services that focus on the sustainable growth and enhance stakeholder’s value. The financial needs at different stages of the life cycle may be in the form of venture capital, project finance, finance for growth, acquisitions and divestments and financial restructuring and so on.

Our services involve both fund based and non fund based activity in the capital markets. We are a category I Merchant Banker registered with SEBI and offer the following comprehensive range of activities:
  • Merchant banking and issue management in India and abroad
  • Venture finance and Private placements
  • Underwriting and market making your securities before listing
  • Mergers and Acquisitions, and divestments advisory,
  • Corporate advisory and
  • Financial Engineering
Additional description of some these services are given here:
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SEBI / Regulatory registration numbers | UIN: 100000281 | BSE CM: INB 010607233 & Derivatives: INF 010607233 | NSE CM: INB 230607239 & Derivatives: INF BSE CM: INB 010607233 & Derivatives: INF